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N. E. W. Accountancy Services An affordable accountant specialising in the preparation of Year-end Accounts and Tax Computations (including the completion and submission of Tax Return forms) for sole traders, partnerships, small businesses and limited companies throughout the U.K.
Served areas
  • East Midlands
Highlights and features
  • If I am out of the office (visiting clients, etc.), I can be contacted on my mobile (07736-736-736).
Completion and submission of a Self Assessment Tax Return form
The submission of a Return (including the calculation of the resulting tax payment/s required) using figures and information provided by a third party.
Payroll (payslips, etc.)
Calculation of PAYE and NIC, and production of pay slips.
Payroll (Annual Return, etc.)
Completion and electronic submission of the Annual Return, including the production of a P60 for each employee.
VAT Returns
Logging the quarter's Outputs and Inputs (which reduces the work required for annual accounts) and electronically submitting the completed VAT Return.
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